Ok I am going to explain what I look for first when I experiance an error code, if you cant figure it out after that then you will need the manual for the full
troubleshoot page on that error code, if you do not have the manual you can Contact Me! and I will email you the page to your error code that you have.
Code 12 - This is normal when you have jumped the pin A and pin B with a paper clip but
the engine is not running.
Code 13 - Most likely means the oxygen sensor is disconnected or an open in the wire
going to the oxygen sensor.
Code 14 - Most likely the wire going to the coolant sensor is shorted to a ground or the
engine got way to hot or the sensor is just bad.
Code 15 - Most likely the coolent sensor is unpluged or the wire is has an open
Code 21 - The TPS is unpluged for misadjusted, could also be just a bad TPS.
Code 22 - Most likely just means the TPS is adjusted to low or the idle has recently been
set lower without making a TPS adjustment as well.
Code 23 - Most likely the M/C solenoid is just unpluged at the carburator or a open in
the wires going to the M/C solenoid.
Code 24 - ? Never had one of them?
Code 32 - Most likely the Boro sensor is just disconnected or needs replaced
Code 34 - Most likely the vacume sensor is just disconnected or you have put on the wrong
vacume sensor.
Code 41 - No matter what the name of the error code implies it is usaly the fault of
the vacume sensor or you have replaced a vacume sensor for a MAP sensor, they both look the same so be careful!
Code 42 - ? Never had one of them?
Code 43 - ? Never had one of them?
Code 44 - Most likely a bad oxygen sensor or you are just running really really lean for
a long period of time
Code 45 - Most likely a bad oxygen sensor or you are just running really really rich
for a long period of time
Code 51 - You have a bad prom or installed the wrong prom for your ECM
Code 54 - Most likely a bad M/C solenoid or ECM
Hope that helps