Adjusting The Engine Idle Speed
(RPMs). The 307 likes to idle at about 600 in gear and 800 out of gear. I have fooled with these carbs
for about 10 years now and this is the way I adjust the idle speed so that the idle speed is the same with the A/C on
or off.
Basic understanding - There are two places to adjust when adjusting
the idle speed, the first is the "base idle" this is the little spring loaded screw (on the base of the carb on the front
drivers side just under the large vacume diapham called the ILC) that the throttle lever rest on. The other point of adjustment
is the ILC (stands for "Idle Load Compensater") this is the vacume diapham on the front driverside of the carb that the throttle
lever rest on. To make adjustements to this just grab the plungers base with a 1/2" wrench and turn the plungers tip with
FYI higher idle load from the A/C on will lower vacume and
cause the spring inside the ILC to push the idle up alittle, thats the whole reason for the ILC is to keep idle consistant
through idle loads. I adjust my idle speed by>>>
1. Taking the ILC
off the carb but keeping the vacume line connected. Just set it aside for the next few steps. Then block the wheels and
put the parking brake in, start the car and leave it in "N" for now. (The engine must be fully warm to make proper adjustments)
2. Then I adjust the idle (with the A/C off) at the idle set screw
on the carb. This is the little spring loaded screw thats under the place the ILC mounts on the carb. the throttle lever
rest on this at idle.
3. After I find a good idle speed in (600) and out (800) of gear
then I put the ILC back on and adjust the ILC so that with the engine on at idle in 'N' and the A/C off the ILC's plunger
is just resting firmly on the throttle lever but without actualy raising the idle off the idle set screw, then when I turn
the A/C on the ILC should lift the idle off the idle set screw. So
basicly with the A/C off and engine on the idle should sit on the idle set screw at all times with the ILC's plunger as close
to the throttle lever as possible without raising the idle off the idle set screw that way when the A/C is turned on the lose
of vacume will cause the ILC to lift the idle off the idle set screw and hold the idle speed at the same RPMs. Hope thats
understandable, If not let me know! Good Luck
Adjusting Idle Mixture,
Before doing this it is important that the
tamper free caps have been removed from over the "idle mixture needles". Just so you know "IMN" is short for "idle mixture
needles" and "AIB" is short for "air idle bleed" and thats how I put it to save typing space. The AIB is adjusted
at the large flat head screw with the little hole in the center that it located on the very top of your carb just behind
the "M/C solenoid rich adjustment stop" if you look at the image further up on this page you can see the large flat head screw
with the little hole in the center just over the red square in that image. If your AIB is still being covered by the tamper
free cap then you will need to remove that before adjusting the carb (I suggest a full rebuild if they are still in place
because removing the caps will leave shavings in the carb that will need to be cleaned out). The IMN's are located on the
bottom of the carb on the carbs base facing the front of the car, there are two IMN and both should away be adjusted equal,
there is a image of them further up on this page, and them too will need to have the cap removed if they are not already.
Now on to adjusting your idle mixture.
1. Start with the engine off, turning
both IMN's all the way in (clockwise) then turning them both out (counter clockwise) 3 full turns, then start the car and
place it into gear (A/C off) with the wheels blocked and parking brake on
2. Now go to the air idle bleed (for
short - AIB) and turn it all the way in (clockwise) then turn it out (counter clockwise) to 2 turns out, then slowly (about
1 turn every 4 seconds ) turn the AIB out and pay attention to the idle looking for the best highest smoothest idle.
3. If you take the AIB past 5 turns
you went to far, you want the AIB to be set between 4 and 5 turns when you are done so if the engine is happy with the AIB
at 3 turns or less then you need to richen the IMN's by 1/2 (counter clockwise) and try step 2 again and keep doing so
intill the AIB is happy at 4 to 5 turns out. Now if you find that the AIB wants 6 turns out with the IMN's set at 3 turns
then you need to lean out the IMN's a 1/2 turn (clockwise) and try step 2 again, repeat intill the AIB is happy
with 4 to 5 turns out. Basicly the more you turn the AIB out the leaner your idle is and the more you turn the IMN's out the
richer you idle is. Its a balancing act, but when finished you should have a strong smooth idle. You may need to re adjust
your idle speed after this!
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